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Soul Care Saturday- Aug. 24, 2024

August Soul Care Saturday- “Practicing the Presence of God”

Join us for our August Soul Care Saturday at Sanctuary Counseling- August 24th, 2024 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m- facilitated by Sarah and Jared McCrory.  Our theme will be “Practicing the Presence of God” and our deep hope is that this will be a meaningful time of refreshing, connection, and nurturing as you consider the care of your soul.    

The cost for the event, which includes your lunch, is $55/person.  (Note:  If you would like to participate but the $55 is prohibitive for you, please email We don’t want the cost to prevent you from joining us, and you can pay what you can.

Our plans for the time include:

  • A welcome and opening word of blessing & encouragement

  • A group “Lectio Divina” (a guided reading and reflection time) where we slowly read and reflect individually and as a group on a particular passage of Scripture from the Christian Bible to hear how God is speaking to our souls

  • Discussion about what it means to be “Practicing the Presence of God”, based on consideration of the classic Christian text The Practice of the Presence of God by 17th century monk Brother Lawrence

  • Extended time for you to enjoy silence, prayer, and reflection on your own in or around our office

  • Enjoying a homemade lunch together

  • A final group debrief, wrap up, and closing blessing

Even (or maybe- ESPECIALLY) if this kind of event will be new to you, don’t be intimidated by it. It will be very laid back. Nobody will be required to speak or share publicly with the group- that will totally be up to you.  Also- though our group reflection will be on a Christian Scripture passage, those from all (or no particular) faiths are welcome to attend and participate. 

Space is limited, so register today to reserve your spot.  We hope you’ll plan to join us!


June 22

Soul Care Saturday

September 7

Sanctuary Book Club (August 2024)